Killing of Aristasura
“One demon named Aristasura entered the village like a great bull with a gigantic body and horns, digging up the earth with his hoofs. When the demon entered Vrindavan, it appeared that the whole land trembled, as if there were an earthquake. He roared fiercely and after digging up the earth on the river-side, he entered the village proper. The fearful roaring of the bull was so piercing that some of the pregnant cows and women had miscarriages. Its body was so big, stout and strong that a cloud hovered over its body just as clouds hover over mountains. Aristasura entered Vrindavan with such a fearful appearance that just on seeing this great demon, all the men and women were afflicted with great fear.
The situation became very terrible, and all the inhabitants of Vrindavan began to cry, ‘Krishna! Krishna, please save us!’ Krishna also saw that the cows were running away, and He immediately replied, `Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid.’ He then appeared before Aristasura and said, `You are the lowest of living entities. Why are you frightening the inhabitants of Gokula? What will you gain by this action? If you have come to challenge My authority, then I am prepared to fight you.’ In this way, Krishna challenged the demon, and the demon became very angry by the words of Krishna. Krishna stood before the bull, resting His hand on the shoulder of a friend. The bull began to proceed towards Krishna in anger. Digging the earth with his hoofs, Aristasura lifted his tail, and it appeared that clouds were hovering about the tail. His eyes were reddish and moving in anger. Pointing his horns at Krishna he began to charge Him just like the thunder bolt of Indra. But Krishna immediately caught his horns and tossed him away, just as a gigantic elephant repels a small inimical elephant. Although the demon appeared to be very tired and although he was perspiring, he took courage and got up. Again he charged Krishna with great force and anger. While rushing towards Krishna, he breathed very heavily. Krishna again caught his horns and immediately threw him on the ground, breaking his horns. Krishna then began to kick his body, just as one squeezes a wet cloth on the ground. Being thus kicked by Krishna, Aristasura rolled over and began to move his legs violently. Bleeding and passing stool and urine, his eyes staring from their sockets, he passed to the kingdom of death.
Apperance of Radha Kunda
The gopis (cowherd girls) told Krishna, “that for killing a bull, the symbol of religion, He had to purify Himself by visiting every, single holy place in the three worlds. If you take bath at all the holy places, You will be relieved of the offense of killing him.”
Krishna then said, “Why should I visit all these places, I will just bring the water from all these places here and then bathe in them.” Krishna then struck His heel on the ground and all the waters of all the holy places entered into Shyam Kunda. Krishna then bathed in Shyam Kunda. He finished his bath sometime before midnight.
After bathing, he said that the gopis had become impure because they had sided with a demon, even though he had been in the form of a bull. The gopis led by Radharani then dug another pond nearby with their bangles. There was no water in the hole, so the gopis formed a line to Manasi Ganga and began to fill the hole they dug by passing water from one gopi to another. Then a representative of all the sacred places told Radharani, “Our lives would be successful if we could enter Your pond.” The holy waters from Shyam Kunda then flowed into Radha Kunda with the permission of Radha. So Radha Kunda is the holy waters from all the sacred places.
In the center of Radhakund of today is small area with the wall around it called Kankanakunda (or Kancankunda). It is the area of the original pond created by gopis with their bracelets.
Whenever we see water, we can remember this beautiful pastime of Lord Krishna and Radharani.